Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Boyfriend Hunt: Other People Who’ve Successfully Hunted

"blahblahblahblahblah...."- C

Its not that I’m not happy she’s found this golden guy she cant stop talking about. Its just the fact that she won’t stop talking about it.

So C has been hooking up with this guy for around a month now and the relationship is definitely developing. I mean, he’s a real sweetheart to be honest, and she got lucky. But honey, please do not expand on the details of how he brushes his teeth in a circular motion, which is different than the upper teeth then lower teeth routine you use. (side note: do not rag on circular motion brushing)

I feel like every time we sit and talk there is no question like,  “Hey Sophie, how’s that guy that you were checking out yesterday morning?” or “Oh wow, how was your get together with whatshisface?”

Yes, I understand, seeing as I do not have much of a love life, I probably won’t have much to say in that department.

However, that does not mean you can tirade on about how your boyfriend wakes up at 12:00 a.m and how your morning routine clashes.

I simply do not care.

Understand this ladies, when with male, do not harass other females with small, miniscule details about his appetite or toilet habits. Save that conversation for when we are all married, bored and have nothing else to talk about. Maybe we can compare even?

Until then, shut up.

           The Huntress

P.S: oh the things I will rag about to her when I get a boyfriend. “Hey C, you’ll never believe what _________ did with his pencil yesterday…he ties his shoelaces with the whole bunny thing…he writes in cursive….he shaves every other day…he likes to pee while sitting on the toilet…” 

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